Practice Times and Locations
Monday: (Coral Gables High School) 3:30/4:45/6:00
Tuesday: (Westminster Academ Athletic Complex 4:45
- Fort Lauderdale)
Wednesday: (Coral Gables High School) 3:30/4:45/6:00
Thursdasy: (Coral Gablse High School) 3:30/4:45/6:00
Friday: (Coral Gables High School) 21+ ONLY 5:30
Sunday: Coral Gables High School) (9:00 am/ 10:30am
The first part of practice consists of speed drills, simulation drills, vaulting, technique work, and speed training.

The second part of practice consist of strength training, recovery secession, video analysis, and indoor drills that simulate the vault.